Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Having a Sibling

Enjoying her first lolly pop ever...

Enter brother.... 

The other day Eli did something to make Esme cry, like he does several times a day, and I picked her up for a hug and said "I'm sorry, sometimes it's hard having a big brother."  Eli chimed in from his time out corner in the other room "and it's hard having a baby."

I never thought about it from his perspective.  Now at least once a day he tells me why it's hard having a baby around the house.  She makes messes, breaks things, doesn't share.

Yesterday we had a breakthrough.  Sharing is one of his struggles and he painfully handed a toy that he liked over to Esme, without getting mad.  When it was time for her to give it back he patiently held out his hand and asked for it. At first she yelled, then she pretended to give it to him a few times, and finally she gave it back.  No force, no tears, no grabbing.  Now we talk about how he can help me teach his little sister.


Leilani said...

Hah, so cute. Yes, having siblings can be hard :)

Robnz Fam said...

Oh my goodness. I can't even believe how much bigger Esme looks. And all those teeth?! Where did they come from? So, I like to pretend that Evelyn and Emi will be the perfect siblings and never fight. Wishful thinking?

Anonymous said...

Lena, This is the best post ever. What a wise son you have and you are a wise mother to listen and take to heart his concerns.MOM