This is the perfect day to talk about my Swissness. I don't even know any history, but today is the 717th anniversary of the forming of the Swiss confederation. The fabulous Swiss Consulate sent me an invitation to a party with music and a children's parade at Sugarhouse Park. I sure hope nobody tries to speak German to me. The language barrier is the one that always makes me feel like I don't belong, but since my passport is red, it's a matter of documentation, not my self conscious notions. As soon as we can afford it, we will go again, until then we must reminisce about our August 2005 trip.
1) Here is the darling school where my sisters and I attended kindergarten. I have a few memories of walks with my class in the forest, snacks of cucumber and fleischkaese, and my first little crush (of whom I still get reports on whenever I go back).
2) Next is a view from a walk in Appenzellerland. Why people from here are considered hicks and are often embarrassed to call this home, I don't know. (You MUST click to enlarge)
3) Now comes THE Rhine River that had Brian in awe. (Wait until you see the mountains, honey)
4) It wouldn't be a trip to Switzerland without trying to keep up with Papi on a trek around the Saentis mountain range, the mountains closest to home. This is where Brian got... lets say, "uneasy". Apparently the Idaho mountains aren't this intensely jagged, steep, and soaring.
5) He was further impressed when the pilot pointed out the Alps on the way home. Poor guy later told me he was planning to show me what mountains really looked like, but was saddened that it happened the other way around.
I'm feeling better already. It's not all in the language, there has to be something to say for heritage and memories. Hopefully this newfound confidence will stick with me tonight.
1 comment:
Yeah, this was a lot of fun. It was neat hearing all of the folk songs in German and Italian. Too bad we didn't know anybody though...Eli had fun pushing his stroller. He even got in a fight with this one kid. OK, this other 2 year old boy wanted to steal Eli's stroller. Eli yelled at the kid and tried pulling back. Unfortunately, the other kid was stronger and dad had to intervene. The mom eventually came and helped, but it sure took her a while.
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